Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Newsletter from Iraq

Dear Hurricane Friends and Families, 23 FEB 05
We’ve come a long way in our first month (+) in theater. We spent almost three weeks in Camp Buehring, Kuwait marshalling and preparing our equipment. We also conducted numerous weapons ranges to give everyone confidence in their weapon systems. In preparation for the ground approach march into Iraq, we also conducted a convoy live fire. This provided the Hurricanes from staff, maintenance, and company HQ with excellent training in Close Quarters Marksmanship and how to fight from a vehicle.
About two thirds of the company traveled to our new home, FOB Warhorse, by air. The other third made the 354 mile trek in what we called the “approach march.” We had a couple flat tires and a few breakdowns along the way, but with the mechanics at our side we repaired ourselves as we went and every vehicle completed the approach march under it’s own power.
The Battalion Commander recently recognized the efforts of two Hurricanes in making the approach march a success. LTC Spellmon presented SPC Piarowski with a Battalion Coin for fabricating a supplemental weapons mount for two of our up-armored HMMWVs. These two trucks are now capable of mounting a Mk-19 Grenade Launcher as well as either a light or medium machine gun. LTC Spellmon also presented a Battalion Coin to SPC Flinn for replacing the starter on one of our large cargo trucks during the approach march. At one of the Convoy Support Centers, he changed out this starter in the dark and cold at 0230 in the morning after going 23 hours without sleep. Well done, SPC Piarowski and SPC Flinn.
Additional congratulations go to newly promoted Sergeants Dubose, Haltom, Richardson, and Robertson. We held their promotion ceremony on 2 FEB at Camp Buehring.
On 21 FEB 05, the Sledgehammer Brigade officially took over from the Dukes of 3d Brigade, 1st ID. We are now busy helping send these soldiers and their equipment back to Germany. The Dukes had a great year and made a lot of progress in Diyala Province. Now it’s our turn to make a difference.
You should be proud of your soldier. He/she is on the frontier of freedom continuing the difficult and vital work that has sustained our great nation for over 225 years.
Best Wishes,
John H. O’Brien
Captain, U.S. Army

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