Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Isaiah's future wife, Ellie Dibert Posted by Picasa

The Kids Posted by Picasa

Lauryn and Rob in the woods Posted by Picasa

Isaiah and Rob crossing the creek Posted by Picasa

The Family in Tennessee Posted by Picasa

The Adventure

The month long trip is finally over. I have to say I like visiting people but I think that Rob and I are glad to be home (except for the whole Rob having to go back to work thing). The trip really made us think about some things and we have decided once and for all that it is time for Rob to get out of the Army. I know we have gone back and forth a lot but really this time he is (as long as the Army will let him). Neither of us are sure what jobs we will have or how our living arrangements will be but it will all work out. I am going to post some pictures from our trip, I hope you enjoy.

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