Monday, January 31, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy birthday to me.
Just wanted you all to know that you all forgot to wish me a happy birthday. Maybe next time you will think 7 - 10 hours into the future, and take into consideration that I sat here alone in the desert, guarding your freedom and none of you thought to send me a happy birthday message. Don't try to argue with some lame excuse about it isn't really 31 Jan yet. It is my birthday, therefore it starts where I am. So you are all very bad people. I bet none of you bought me anything either, but I am sure you all have a good excuse, like I didn't know how to get it to the Middle East. Likely story. I love you all, and just wanted to shame all of you into writing me, I mean say Hi.
Woe is me,
Sean Robert Meehl
Philemon 14

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