Thursday, June 30, 2005

"God's Politics"

Well I just finished reading this book by Jim Wallis and I would highly suggest others go get a copy and read it. The subtitle is "What the Right Gets Wrong, and the Left Doesn't Get." It is a very interesting attempt to throw the subject of real Christian values back into mainstream of American life. The book is very anti-Bush and is very critical of the War in Iraq, which I obviously am a part of, so it was a very challenging read for me. It really made me take a deep look at my faith and what is center to my belief in Jesus. The book uses biblical themes, but does not give a great number of specific references to verses. I found that a little disappointing, but I don’t think the author’s intent was to create a bible study. I think he was simply trying to send a message. The main message being something that is very dear to my own life, the message that bad theology is a major crisis facing Christians today. By bad theology, the author attacks everything from Islamic fundamentalists killing in the name of Allah, to the idea that the current administration is wrong when they try to use religion to justify nationalist desires. The book takes on the issues of caring for the poor (a whole lot), AIDS, Gay Marriage, Corporate Fraud, and others. It is very widespread in its finger pointing. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading it. Like I said, I don’t agree with everything the author says, but I think he has very valid points that the entire nation, and world would do well to listen to. So for whatever it is worth I just thought I would recommend it to you, and you can decide for yourself.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Fun in the Sun


Well if any of you were wondering why I have not written in a while, it is simply because I have been very busy. The Army has been keeping us all busy. I don’t know if our current operation has made it into the news or not. The operation we have been working on is called operation 5770 Kelvin. This operation basically involved moving the entire country of Iraq onto the surface of the Sun. At least, I hope that is what has happened, because it is getting way too hot for this to still be considered planet Earth. So either we moved to the Sun or the Sun is falling out of its orbit around the Earth, and is heading straight for me. Either way, it is getting ridiculously hot. The average high temperature now ranges from 105 – 115 degrees Fahrenheit. But not to worry there is plenty of sand here, so when the occasional hot desert wind comes your way; it is most often accompanied with dust, and lots of it. This is not the dust you find in America either. This is dust that can only be found here. It is very fine, so it gets in everything, and is very hard to control and makes it impossible to keep anything clean. Oh the joys of life in the cradle of civilization.

Well other than the heat and the dust everything else is going along swimmingly. I have been accidentally promoted to Captain. I thought the Army would have figured it out by now, it has been 13 whole days, but there is still no word. So maybe they did mean to promote me. I had decided that in honor of my favorite Military Leader I would not use the traditional title for Captains, that being CPT. I would instead follow the example of one of the most fearless leaders of all time and use instead CAP’N, in honor of CAP’N Crunch. The man who valiantly fights the war against the Soggies in millions of homes, around the world, every day, and in places like Humboldt, CA sometimes five or six times a day, for the same person. I tried but was overruled. I also CAP, CTN and C3PO. None of these seemed like valid options to the Army, so I am stuck with CPT. I guess I will just have to get used to it.

It does kind of have a Superhero ring to it. However, two named Superhero were never as good as the one named Superhero. I mean Spiderman is way cooler than Green Lantern. Superman is better than Sliver Surfer. Batman is better than Captain America. See what I mean. If I were to choose my own Superhero name it would not have been Captain Meehl. I always thought I would use something like Freezerman. You know that Superhero who could control the weather, at least then I wouldn’t have to ensure I wasn’t carry any metal coins in my pocket every time I go outside, for fear that the intense heat will cause them to burst into flames, and severely damage my crotchal region.

Have a nice day.

S. Robert Meehl
3 BDE Projects Cell
Matthew 16:15

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

More Promotion Pictures Posted by Hello

Don't look too excited Posted by Hello

Captain Meehl!!! Posted by Hello

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