Thursday, June 30, 2005

"God's Politics"

Well I just finished reading this book by Jim Wallis and I would highly suggest others go get a copy and read it. The subtitle is "What the Right Gets Wrong, and the Left Doesn't Get." It is a very interesting attempt to throw the subject of real Christian values back into mainstream of American life. The book is very anti-Bush and is very critical of the War in Iraq, which I obviously am a part of, so it was a very challenging read for me. It really made me take a deep look at my faith and what is center to my belief in Jesus. The book uses biblical themes, but does not give a great number of specific references to verses. I found that a little disappointing, but I don’t think the author’s intent was to create a bible study. I think he was simply trying to send a message. The main message being something that is very dear to my own life, the message that bad theology is a major crisis facing Christians today. By bad theology, the author attacks everything from Islamic fundamentalists killing in the name of Allah, to the idea that the current administration is wrong when they try to use religion to justify nationalist desires. The book takes on the issues of caring for the poor (a whole lot), AIDS, Gay Marriage, Corporate Fraud, and others. It is very widespread in its finger pointing. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading it. Like I said, I don’t agree with everything the author says, but I think he has very valid points that the entire nation, and world would do well to listen to. So for whatever it is worth I just thought I would recommend it to you, and you can decide for yourself.

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