Thursday, February 17, 2005

Email from Iraq

This is an email Rob sent me today from Iraq:
I am now living at the CMOC, little Ms. Impatient. Sorry it took me so loooonnng to move here, I didn't mean to inconvience you. Please forgive me. Just kidding. I attached a picture of me. It was taken a few days ago. The Humvee in the backgound is the one I have been machine-gunning for a lot these days. It is quite something to drive around in the top of an up-armored HUMMVEE, with a Machine Gun in your hands, going 70 MPH, weaving through traffic, that makes NYC look like Edgewater. I am getting settled in here and will try to call soon, definately for Lauryn's b-day, if not sooner. I put your pictures on my wall, and yes I did get your letter. Tell everyone that I love them, and that I pray for all of you. Also, I have begun to grow a moustache. I am also letting my hair grow out, so I can blend a little more. I ate Iraqi food yesterday with the Governor and the Provincial Council. It was roasted chicken, flat bread and there were a bunch of toppings/spreads. An interpretor got me to eat Hummus and somekind of cucumber salad. Why do people eat Hummus, it has no taste. It was like eating nothing. Anyway, I liked it. I was able to meet a really great person. A woman named Kadija. She is the reason we are here. She is probably in her mid-30's. She was on the Provincial Council, but she was just elected to the National Council to draft the constitution. She is Kurdish, very intelligent, and you can just see in her eyes a fire to make this country great. You know that with the old regime in power she would have never stood a chance to live a great life, but now she does. She is not afraid to die for her beilef that Iraq can really make a difference and become a great nation. It was like meeting one of our country's founders (Washington, Jefferson, Franklin), very inspiring, and very satisfying. Please share what I just told you with all those who question our being here. There is a good reason and people like her deserve a chance to make a country they can be proud of. This country is so messed up, without us here they wouldn't stand a chance. You guys have no idea how much these people need our help building their security to a point where the whole country won't rip apart in a week after we leave. I am actually proud of what I am doing over here (that doesn't mean I won't get out as soon as possible).Oh well I have to go. I love you more.

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