Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Hello from Iraq


I am here. I got here Monday at 1200 (our time.) The trip up was very exciting. Lots of traffic and crazy drivers. Iraqi drive on both sides of the highway going in both directions. We drove for 23 hours, rested for 5, then drove for about 5 more.

Five minutes into Iraq the first of our five breakdowns happened. I ended up pulling security on an intersection. This happened a lot more on the rest of the way. I am sure you all saw the footage of the Baqubah suicide bomber on the news (at the JCC it killed 15 young Iraqi men). Very gruesome photos which I will spare you all, suffice to say they are harsh. This is the real deal, but the unit we are replacing has done an outstanding job over the last year, and we are going to improve on what they have done.

As for me, I am great. I have a good job, that will be very difficult but good.
I will not really be able to call or have e-mail access, eventhough there is some access, my job will be keeping too busy. Once I move into my home for the next year I will be able to write and call more frequently.

Thank you all for the prayers and e-mails. I know you are all thinking about me and praying for me.

Gotta go,



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