Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Spy Glasses? HA

Hello my wife,

Well i got a package today, and it contained a pair of sunglasses. The were Smith Brand sunglasses, with 4 different lenses. They are very nice, but they must have been sent to me by mistake. You see, you e-mailed me a few weeks ago and promised me Spy glasses. These glasses don't do anything. They look cool, and are very comfortable, but the can't be mine. I was promised Spy glasses. So where are the laser guns and rockets and such. These are just glasses, what up with that, yo? Have I been hoodwinked? Led astray? Bamboozled? Lied to even? What gives here wife o' mine? When you promise Spy glasses, you better deliver on that promise. I told the Brigade Commander about the Spy Glasses, and together we had planned several operations, all which require the use of X-Ray vision, which if I am not mistaken, and I very rarley am, come standard on any pair of Spy glasses. Are you somekind of traitor? Have you been brainwashed by the communists? You let down me, the Ar
my, and America. I hope you are happy with that. You will have to live with the shame of this for the rest of your life.

I still love you, eventhough you are a lying tratior, more than you love me.


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