Friday, April 15, 2005

Luke I am Your Father

The following is what happens when you send men, cut off from the rest of the world, toys. . . .

Well, I just thought I would let you know that a horrible fight broke out in the compound last night. It had nothing to do with the war, it was just two of the guys who live here. One of the guys started saying something about the other guy’s father. I didn’t really hear all that was said, but there were was a great deal of talk about fathers and forces. It was bizarre. One thing led to another and before you know it, they were going at it. I guess everyone is just on edge, and emotions got too high. Anyway, the fight was really brutal, and before it was all over one of the guys lost a hand. Somebody had a camera, and took some pictures. It might seem kind of weird for us to just stand by and let two guys go at it like that but we did. It was an epic battle, to say the least. The pictures might help explain it a little better.

S. Robert Meehl

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