Monday, June 29, 2009


So in Iraq I was working out a lot, and dieting really well. About half way through my tour there I started this thing called "Fat Boy Friday" and it was so great. The way it worked is on Friday I could eat whatever I wanted and not workout. There were some days I would be amazed at how much I would eat. So, I have been working out a lot here, and really eating healthy, so I figured "Fat Boy Friday" was due for a comeback.
Well, let me just say that I am really ashamed at what I ate today. It was so disappointing. I really tried to do my best. I got off to a good start and for breakfast I ate a bagel sandwich. This thing had two servings of creme cheese, 10 big slices of bacon and cheese. I was feeling pretty good at this. It tasted awesome, and was so completely unhealthy. I was excited about this day. Well then lunch rolled around, and all of the sudden I got confused. See around here Tuesday is the day the serve tacos, it is great. It is called, simply enough "Taco Tuesday". I love "Taco Tuesday" but because it is not friday, I usually hold back on that day. Well today for some reason there were tacos. "Taco Friday"? What is that all about. It really messed me up. It doesn't even sound cool, "Taco Friday" sounds stupid. Now considering that bagel could not have been more than 1,000 calories I thought I was really going to be down with this, regardless how dumb the name was. And then something really strange happened. I was not hungry. I forced myself to make an enormous plate of nachos, but the whole time I just kept thinking this is not right. By the time I was done with my nachos, I could barely make it to the ice cream bar to make a cookies n' cream sundae. I mean I made it, and ate it, but I just couldn't get into it.
Well then dinner rolled around, and I ate like 20 pieces of fried shrimp and that was it. I was done. No ice cream after dinner. No cans of pringles. No six packs of soda. No candy. I was full. I think I might have packed away 5,000 calories today, at best. What a loser. I suck.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sean Robert...I am so proud of you! I love being able to see what's going on with you. You are prayed for everyday!

Love your big sis,

Michelle said...

Wow- what a let down- all that ice cream and you passed on it! You're getting old!!

Spencer said...

If I even thought of eating that much I would vomit.


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