Thursday, July 02, 2009

I guess I am not taking enough pictures. So here are some I just took. These give you a somewhat good look at where I am. The first one if of the desert. There is a lot of that around here. The second is of the beach, there is a lot of that here too. The third one is of camels. There are a lot of camels here. Oh and camels do not get out of the way of your cars. Goats get out of the way. Camels just stand there and look at you like you are stupid. The fourth one proves my point. There are no "Danger Goat Crossing" signs or 'Danger People Crossing" sings. Just the camel ones. Camels! The fifth one is a pretty typical house in the outskirts of the cities. The people will use anything they can get their hands on to build, or improve their homes. It is kind of amazing the things I have used for a house. The last one is an example of what you see in more urban areas. The buildings vary from brick and mortar to tin and rope. It is pretty amazing.

So there you some pictures of Dj. I will start sending more of these, I mean I have a fancy camera, I should use it. I would like to take a picture of my totally awesome camera and send it too, but I have not quite figured out how to do that. I will just say that it is purple, and that is pretty cool.

1 comment:

Spencer said...

Like the new page layout. Very cool. What kind of camera did you get?


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