Friday, May 15, 2009

So Far....

So far my new home is great. It is not only as hot as Iraq, but it is also as humid as Florida. How sweet is that?
I have started taking malaria pills. Which made me fart, alot. My body has since adjusted, but I am told that when you stop taking them, your body really has it with you. So I got that going for me.
I made to 4 continents in 36 hours. That is pretty cool, you have to admit, not a whole lot of people can say the same thing.
I have also been thinking a great deal about my friends and my family. I have thought about how blessed I am.
I am just starting to figure this thing out, so I will save my words.


Michelle said...

Glad you made it safe. Vaughan, Branden and I were talking about your 4 continents- North America, Europe, Africa and... we decided on Asia? Anyway I've enjoyed getting to know your wife and daughter since you've been gone. I'll hang with Lolo any day!

gollumcreep said...

Enjoy the flatulence.


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